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As journalism increasingly resorts to sensationalising ’news’ as cataclysmic, or worse still apocalyptic, Turn of Events looks at where the threshold of a moment elicits change - be that a pandemic, political upheaval, climate catastrophe or otherwise - and how one receives, measures, and records this transition.

Jeremy Blincoe uses the sculptural form and photographic medium in a study of metamorphosis and infinite becomings. Ellie Chalmers-Robinson’s paintings are simultaneously controlled and unyielding, moving between moments of lucidity and disorder, hints at the presence of a space between opposites. Through abstraction, fieldwork, site interventions and studio research, James Geurts focuses on the way that cultural and natural forces intersect to shape not only landscape but perception itself. Madeleine Preston’s work speaks to the cannon of ceramic history and the specificity of the material by celebrating the kiln’s ability to bend and buckle form, and equally hold moments in time and gesture.

Artists: Jeremy Blincoe, Ellie Chalmers-Robinson, James Geurts and Madeleine Preston
Location: Cremorne, Naarm/Melbourne
Curator: David Hagger

Produced in conjunction with Blackartprojects.

Photography: Jeremy Blincoe
April - May 2021